Trauma Therapy in Charlotte, NC

Trauma is not what happens to us, trauma is what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.

Dr. Peter Levine, somatic therapist and creator of Somatic Experiencing

Trauma is by nature confusing. You may be asking yourself, “Do I have stories of trauma? Was something that happened to me traumatic (or am I just being dramatic)? Can that thing that happened so long ago really still be affecting me today?” 

Here at Fig Therapy in Charlotte, NC, we look at trauma as anything you experienced as too much, too soon, and too fast without the kind and attuned care of someone around to help you be with that “too muchness.”

Trauma Informed Counseling Charlotte NC

Here are some common signs you’ve experienced trauma:

  • Feeling ruled by your emotions such as angry outbursts, hopelessness, sadness

  • Perfectionism, people-pleasing, deep fear of failure 

  • Constantly questioning if you are good enough or if something is wrong with you

  • Inability to rest, sleep, or play

  • Difficulty sustaining healthy relationships 

  • Somatic symptoms such as stomach aches and digestive issues, chronic headaches, jaw pain, numbness, sleep issues

  • Addictions such as alcohol, substances, sex, pornography, work, etc 

  • Eating disorders and/or disordered eating

  • Sexual difficulties and pain 

  • Feeling disconnected from yourself, your body, others, nature, and with your sense of God or spirituality

  • Or maybe you don’t have any words or feelings to describe it at all

If this is you…consider taking a deep breath, this is terrain I know especially well. At Fig Therapy, I specialize in caring for folks with trauma because I believe wholeheartedly that healing is so, so possible for you. 

What does trauma therapy look like? First and foremost, ensuring you feel safe is the number one priority at all times. We will move at a pace you’re comfortable with. Caring for your traumatic experiences is much more holistic than the story of trauma itself, but paying close attention to the effects this has had on your body, nervous system, and relationships. This type of work allows you to gently release trauma that is stuck inside of your body so you can experience more resiliency and range within your body and nervous system. 

This work invites you to hold both kindness and grief for your stories of harm and abuse, space to reestablish your relationship with pleasure and goodness, the ability to be with your emotions and learn to unlock their inherent wisdom, and a new connection with your body where it’s not something to stay out of- but rather the space you feel most at home.

I consider it a profound privilege at Fig Holistic Psychotherapy in Charlotte, NC to journey with you in this work. Reach out today to schedule your free 15-20 minute phone consultation to see if doing trauma therapy and counseling in Charlotte, North Carolina is work you’d benefit from engaging in. 

You deserve it.